September 2023

Tabnine vs. Copilot vs. ChatGPT: ChatGPT Alternatives for Programmers

Tabnine vs. Copilot vs. ChatGPT: ChatGPT Alternatives for Programmers

As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues to evolve, developers are constantly seeking ways to optimize and enhance their coding experience. AI-based code assistants have become increasingly popular, with tools like Tabnine, GitHub Copilot, and ChatGPT leading this trend. In this article, we'll delve into these three code assistant solutions, comparing their features, limitations, and ideal use cases. By the end, you'll have a better understanding of which of these tools best suits your needs.




Tabnine is a code autocompletion tool that utilizes AI technology to provide suggestions and automatically complete code for developers. It supports various programming languages and seamlessly integrates with popular Integrated Development Environments (IDEs) such as Visual Studio Code, JetBrains, and Sublime Text, among others. Tabnine's deep learning model, GPT-2, offers high-quality code suggestions, enabling developers to code faster and more efficiently.


While Tabnine offers an impressive set of features, it also has its limitations. In some cases, it may struggle to understand complex code structures or provide less accurate suggestions. Additionally, Tabnine's dependency on cloud servers for its deep learning model may raise privacy concerns for some users.


GitHub Copilot:


GitHub Copilot is an AI-based code assistant developed by GitHub and OpenAI. It utilizes OpenAI's GPT-3 language model to understand and generate code based on the context provided by the developer. Copilot supports multiple programming languages and frameworks, offering suggestions for code snippets, functions, and even complete classes. It integrates directly with Visual Studio Code and can be used with other IDEs through extensions.


GitHub Copilot also has its limitations. While it is highly capable of generating code, it can sometimes produce incorrect or insecure code, requiring careful review by the developer. Additionally, Copilot's availability is limited to Visual Studio Code and a few other IDEs.




ChatGPT, developed by OpenAI, is a conversational AI model based on GPT-3.5-turbo. It can be used for various tasks such as code generation, natural language understanding, and content creation. ChatGPT can generate code snippets, analyze code, and explain code structures in the context of programming. It can be integrated into custom applications through the OpenAI API, providing flexibility for developers.

While ChatGPT is versatile, it may not be as specialized in code autocompletion as Tabnine or GitHub Copilot. Its primary focus is on natural language processing, which may result in less accurate code predictions than the other two options. Additionally, integrating ChatGPT with your IDE may require more technical knowledge and customization than the ready-to-use solutions of Tabnine and Copilot.


Comparison of Tabnine, Copilot, and ChatGPT

Now that we've covered the basics of each tool, let's delve into a detailed comparison of aspects such as code autocompletion, code prediction, language model, integrations, and pricing.

Code Autocompletion

All three tools provide code autocompletion to varying degrees. Tabnine primarily focuses on code autocompletion and offers an excellent experience with its GPT-2-based model. GitHub Copilot also excels in this area, using GPT-3 to generate relevant and contextual suggestions. ChatGPT, while not specifically designed for code autocompletion, can provide useful suggestions due to its language understanding capabilities.

Code Prediction

Regarding code prediction, GitHub Copilot stands out with its powerful GPT-3 model. It can generate complete functions or classes based on the provided context. Tabnine also offers reliable code prediction, while ChatGPT's performance may be less consistent due to its broader focus on natural language processing.

Language Model

GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT are powered by OpenAI's GPT-3 language model, while Tabnine uses the GPT-2 model. GPT-3 is a more advanced and powerful language model, giving Copilot and ChatGPT an edge in understanding and generating code.


Tabnine provides the smoothest integration with a wide range of popular IDEs, making it easy for developers to adopt. GitHub Copilot is primarily available for Visual Studio Code, with limited support for other IDEs through extensions. ChatGPT requires more effort to integrate into your coding environment, as it must be done through the OpenAI API.

So… which one is better?

Each tool offers different features that cater to the requirements and expertise of its users. If you’re interested in using any of them in your future endeavors, take note of our recommendations and reach out to us to stay informed about the latest trends in the digital world.


Written by Iván Castro, Senior Front-End Developer